Hello everyone, and welcome to our Panama Canal adventure!

Communication in our times is difficult—we have many different ways to communicate, but no one way that we all use re
gularly. This causes problems for our trip as I often have important information to relay.
Because of this, I’m asking you to do two things:
Please add jeff@wagg.com to your whitelist, safe senders list, “do not send to spam” or whatever you email program has. Because I send the same message to a bunch of people, the email spam score goes up, and that can be a problem.
I’m trying something new f
or this cruise, and every important message will also be a blog post on this site. Click on the Booked Travelers Dashboard button. You can subscribe to the blog or just check in every once in awhile to make sure you have the latest news. If you are asked for a password, it is "palindrome."
And of course, please feel fr
ee to ask questions whenever you have them. We have a mix of first-time cruisers and folks who’ve been on over 100, so I’m ready for a wide-range of queries. Bring it! I love questions!
Going forward, I’ll be sending regular emails. As we’re over a year out, I’ll send an email once a month or so until we get closer, and then emails will get more frequent. I email about deadlines, changes, tips and tricks, and also just interesting things about where we’re going.
I also ask you folks to fill out information that will help me plan better, and I’m also curious as to what you want to do on the cruise. Lectures? Game Shows? Learning new skills? We can do a great deal because the group of people we travel with are fascinating, and often willing to share what they know.
So welcome. I’m honored that you’re coming with us, and I’ll do everything I can to make your trip memorable and curious.