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FINAL PAYMENT IS DUE AUGUST 5! I'll be sending another email about payments for those of you who have a balance due.


By now, you should have your passport (or applied for it) and your flights. If not, get on that immediately. US Passports are taking 13 weeks to process. If you haven't started your passport process, please expedite and pay for fast shipping. Contact me if you need any assistance.


  • We still have spaces available for our group lunch in Cozumel. If you're not going to Tulum, this might be a fun thing to do. Sign up here.

  • What would you like to do on the cruise? We'll have space and time and a group of very interesting people. Please take some time to fill this form out, and you'll get more of what you like! And yes, I'll be asking for speakers later on.

  • Our ship has new mattresses, apparently. It seems like they're upgrading things as they go along. She's still an old ship, but she should be well-maintained.

  • We have a schedule! Well, a stab at one anyway. It will be changed often. You can have a look here.

  • Jessica was kind enough to compile a list of where people are going on their excursions. Feel free to peek or add your own here.


  • We're out of cabins! If anyone joins us at this point, it will be at prevailing rates.

  • We're almost ready to announce our Visiting Creator. Stay tuned.

  • We MAY offer some custom tours in some ports. I'll get those options out to you as soon as possible. Everything you booked with the cruise line is 100% refundable.

We'll have six more hours on our cruise than the folks doing the opposite trip, despite leaving and arriving at the same time. :)

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The College of Curiosity is a collection of eclectic projects by Jeff Wagg.

Podcasts, thoughts, and travels with groups of like-minded, curious individuals—we've been all over the world over the past 20 years, and we've just begun. 


Our group activities center around curiosity and travel. 


Curious Adventurers Guild

Built to GO!


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